Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How to make good first impression on your first date

‘First times’ in our lives will be thoroughly inculcated in our minds. It is like a scar that can never be erased in our thoughts. As days and years go by, the sweet and bitter memories of the ‘first times’ will always be a part of us.

As teenagers, all of us have felt love and most of us experienced having a hard time during our first dates. As the make or break part in the “getting-to-know-each-other” stage, first dates are always a problem.

And because we want you to do and look your best, The NORSUnian will give you some tips to improve your dating skills and impress that date of yours.

Dress well to impress her/him. The way you choose your outfit is based on the type of people you want to attract. In dressing up, you must consider their personal likes and dislikes. For creative people, they lean more on graphically interesting fabrics and color while the professionals and serious types prefer darker and clean-clothing lines.

Taking into consideration your body type and combining it with up-to-date trends for your dating attire can also be overwhelming. For girls, you don’t have to choose backless dresses, instead, use the ones that are not so sexy but can still reveal your curves and hidden beauty. It is a matter of wearing a perfect blended outfit that will leave your date speechless and stunned.

Here are some things you may also want to consider:

• Don’t wear an outfit you are not comfortable with. If you are going to be constantly adjusting your tie or button-up collar, better not wear them.
• Wearing well-fitted clothes which are not too baggy or too tight will reveal more of your feminine curves and will show a firmer and sexier masculinity for men.
• Dress appropriately for the occasion. For girls, do not dress cleavage-revealing tops especially if your date is quite conservative.
• Don’t try to be too trendy. Leave experimentation with your look for a time when you are in a stable relationship.
• Don’t wear brand new shoes. They have the potential to hurt your feet and make your time miserable.
• Don’t wear clothes just because of their brand names. Choose the clothes that fit you best.
• Don’t overdo it. Just be as simple as possible yet very well-prepared.
Dressing up the right way will surely make your date special because you took the time and effort to look good for him or her.
Be clean and simple. “Simple is beautiful.” When you are meeting or getting to know someone for the first time, make sure you are showing off the right ambiance. It means that you must be emotionally and physically neutral, not overdoing anything from the way you look up to the way you act.
Keeping your outfit clean and simple will improve your physical features and boost your confidence. It is also a way of getting people notice you. You should always remember that a little can go a long way.
• Be simple in the way you wear your clothes. Don’t overdress by wearing something that is out for the occasion. Like wearing a glittery dress while your date is at the park. You’re not going to disco!
• Don’t wear too much stuff like accessories and gold-plated jewelries. Pick the nice one that suits you best.
• Do have clean hands and well manicured nails.
• Do have well-groomed hair and a clean haircut.
• Don’t wear heavy make-up. Your date might think that you are trying to hide something.

Act as if you‘re meeting an old friend. If you just imagine that the person you have just met and are talking to is one of your best friends, you probably can adjust unconsciously.
Open up your body-language to a very friendly and warm position and reduce any nervousness or weirdness in your tone of voice and body-language. The nice thing about this is that you may also start to feel positive feelings towards this new person, just as you do with your friends when you meet him/her. This is a pretty good starting-point in developing a good relationship.
Use your body language. Smile. Don’t cross your arms or legs. Turn your body towards the people you’re shaking hands with or talking to so that your body language is friendly and open. Make relaxed eye contact, and do not stare at your date when talking or listening to him. When you break eye-contact, try to do it in a slow manner. Do not let your eyes just split away. Making eye-contact can be a little bit hard but if you work at it, you will get used to it.
Remember that your eyes is the window of your soul. Thus, with eye-contacts, you can show your date the real you.
Stand up straight and don’t think too much. Keeping a good posture certainly improves the impression one makes. Sit or stand up straight. Try, as much as possible, to focus only to the person you are talking to rather than focusing on yourself and the people surrounding you.

Be positive. Positive deeds will produce positive outcomes.
If you bust out the first dates in the past, there is a big chance that this time your date will mentally label you in a different way.

A better way to convey a positive attitude in a first meeting is to assess the mood of your date before you start to open your mouth. When you have an emotional connection and the other person feels the same way, it is the time that you can let your charm rise a bit more.
Mentally rehearse before you even enter the room. Visualize how great the events will unfold, see and hear it, and also how great will you feel this time.

See yourself smiling and having a great time. See the excellent outcome in your mind. Then visualize that it has already happened, that the date is over with the desired result. This is surprisingly effective and will get you into a great and relaxed mood during first dates.
A simple “Hi!” combined with an adoring smile may do just fine in starting a perfect conversation.

Be yourself. This is probably the most important thing anyone should put in before going on a date.

Don’t pretend to be somebody you’re not. If you’re a loud person, say it, be it.... You don’t want your date to assume that you are the other way around. Being yourself would assure you that your date likes you not because you are rich, etcetera which you may not be in reality.

If you follow these simple steps, it is much assured that your date will go on well. Good luck and be prepared because your date might be the one you’re looking for.

Source: FHM, COSMO,

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