Friday, February 14, 2014

Things Will Be Fine

It came to me as a surprise too, that bad news. I thought what was in that film was nothing, but it was something. It is something that I never thought would occur in my body. I for one know that the human flesh is vulnerable to diseases and sickness but, at my young age, I just couldn't think it was possible.

For a moment, I realized how fragile our bodies are, how easy it is for bacteria to pass through our immune system and start populating themselves in our vital organs. I thought I was healthy, exempt the gastrointestinal problem which has been a real pain in the ass ever since.

I'm glad that the company I'm applying for is willing to wait for me until the 3rd of March. To work for them as a Geologist is a dream, to be a part of them is already an achievement.

If this is really for me, then HE will give this to me. I'm gonna undergo a treatment. And if all things get well enough, the doctor is gonna give me a clearance for work. HE will give this to me. HE will. I know. HE loves me that much.

But the question is, am I doing anything that pleases HIM? Maybe I did, and eventually forget about it when everything goes smooth. But life is rough right now. I'm just being human.

How's that for a human?